What’s great about ARACUDA?

Our network of over 3000 Indian quality control professionals and 150 inspection companies are ready to bid on your inspection job and make you an instant offer.

Those companies and freelancers registered on our platform are accredited and vetted, so here is what you can expect


Aracuda Commitment

We are committed to our client success and data privacy. All our inspectors undergo a thorough background check. We provide only certified inspectors at your service.

Value for Money

Choose an inspector who is Nearest to your inspection site, to reduce your travel costs.


It's Risk-Free because inspectors only get paid when you approve the inspection report




Inspections Done






In order to serve you right we never stop growing, never stop learning.

Browse our categories to find freelance inspectors in India

Discover the power of inspection for your business with our comprehensive range of inspection categories. Get unparalleled accuracy and efficiency with every aspect of your inspections.

Traditional recruiting is over. Welcome to India’s Inspector Cloud.

Joined 300+ companies who have trusted Aracuda for their inspection needs.

How to post your Inspection Request ?

Our network of independent quality control professionals and inspection companies can make instant offers for your inspection job.

Step 1

Post your Inspection online and start receiving more offers instantly.​

Step 2

Filter by certifications, skills, pricing, feedback scores, and more.​

Step 3

Use ARACUDA dashboard to submit project details. Track your progress on our dashboard.​

Step 4

Receive IR FR Reports after completion. Pay safely online and download your reports.​

Pricing for Buyers


Post your inspection request and receive multiple quotes within minutes.

  • Create Free account
  • Post unlimited inspection offers
  • Receive bid offers
  • View Bidder Profiles
  • Compare Bids
  • No Other Commitments

Standard Plan

My approach to vetting inspection offers

  • All that is included in Freemium plan
  • Finalize the Inspector or agency as per my choice
  • Get Inspections Done
  • Pay Industry lowest handling fee of 2.9% for each invoice you pay
  • No other Commitments

Aracuda Pro

Want ARACUDA to handle your end to end Inspection Needs

  • Post Inspection Request
  • Get Best Deal
  • Finalize Inspector or Agency
  • Assist with Inspection
  • Inspection Reports          Submission
  • End-to-End process
Most Popular


Take advantage of our Free Plan to discover
inspection opportunities

Do you know how your Inspection process can reduce your carbon footprint and save you money?

With a mission to revolutionize traditional inspection practices, ARACUDA connects business with local inspection agencies that not only deliver exceptional services but also prioritize lowering carbon footprint and fastening local employment.

By partnering with nearby agencies our marketplace ensures minimized travel distances for inspectors, thus significantly reducing their carbon emissions.
  • Offset Carbon Emission !!​

    Offset Carbon Emission !!​

    Evaluates compliance with environmental regulations to ensure emission reduction.

  • Minimize Travel​

    Minimize Travel​

    Reduce your travelling by hiring local Inspectors for all your inspection needs.​

  • Local Employment​

    Local Employment​

    Create local opportunities for inspections in a sustainable way ​

  • Hire Local Agencies​

    Hire Local Agencies​

    Hire local Inspectors that act as your extended workforce to carry out inspections.​

Customer Review

Become a part of
the Inspections world

Let's work together to revolutionize inspections!!

If you’re a global ISO expert, a regional, or domestic inspection Agency, or a freelance quality professional, We can help you register as a registered vendor in four simple steps. Creating your profile is simple and absolutely FREE.

Once your profile is vetted by our expert team, get access to a plethora of inspection opportunities from your phone.

Access to the world of Inspection opportunities!!